Whether you're basking in Florida's sunshine or enjoying a tropical retreat in the Caribbean, safeguarding your home while you're away is essential for a worry-free getaway. Here's your go-to guide…
As Canada’s senior population grows—already reaching 6.6 million in 2019 and expected to account for nearly a quarter of Canadians by 2040—many older boomers are rethinking where they live.
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Drivers in their 50s and 60 are safe and reliable due to experience and driving hours. As drivers enter their 70s and 80s, premiums tend to get higher again. As…
You may be familiar with the benefits of living in a condo: there’s less maintenance to have to worry about, security, amenities, it’s usually affordable and within good proximity to…
You’ve heard the stories. Canadians go off on a luxurious vacation down south where they hope to get away and enjoy time as a couple or with friends. A health-related…
2020 is a New Year and can signify a fresh start for many and one popular resolution is to instill the right habits to save money.
For years there have been old wives tales about what factors increase or decrease your insurance rates, what to do or not to do to help your premium amount and…
What are the requirements for a G2 license? Ontario’s graduated driver’s licensing system is split into a few different phases.