As young drivers, one of the first hurdles that we need to overcome is mastering parking. As you likely know, parking can be pretty tricky, especially in tight or awkward spaces.
However, if you're not paying attention to nearby signs or are unaware of local laws, you may end up getting a parking ticket.
If you've recently received your first parking ticket, you're likely wondering, "do parking tickets affect insurance rates in Canada?".
Don't fret, Canada — we answer this question, and several more, in the following paragraphs.
What is a parking ticket?
A parking ticket (formally known as a parking violation) is a document that you receive if you park a vehicle in an inappropriate area or park in an appropriate location for too long.
Common reasons why drivers get parking tickets in Canada
Parking tickets are much more common than you'd think, especially in major cities like Toronto. For instance, in 2018, the city of Toronto issued approximately two million tickets, which resulted in about $100 million in fees.
So, why are drivers getting these tickets in the first place?
There are numerous reasons why drivers receive parking violations in Canada. Here are some of the most common examples that we've noticed:
Surpassed parking meter time limit
If you're planning on using a parking meter, ensure that you return to your vehicle before the time limit ends. If authorities notice that your car has been parked in a specific area for too long, they can give you a parking ticket.
To avoid this, you can either move your vehicle to a different parking space or pay for more time.
Parking in a no-parking area
Regardless of how badly you need a space, you should never leave your vehicle in a no-parking zone. Leaving your car in a no-parking area can result in a hefty ticket.
No parking zones are clearly marked with road signs, so keep an eye out for one if you're unsure about a specific spot.
Parking in an accessible parking space without a permit
As you've likely noticed, many large parking lots often have accessible parking spaces. Accessible parking spaces are wider than their standard counterparts and are often adjacent to a store. These spaces are intended for drivers or passengers with physical disabilities.
In order to use an accessible parking space, you need to have the appropriate permit for your area. If you park in one of these spaces without an accessible parking permit, you'll likely receive a parking ticket.
Parking next to a fire hydrant
In the event of a fire, your local firefighters need to have access to nearby hydrants. However, if a car is parked next to the hydrant, the firefighters may not be able to use it.
Because of this, drivers should avoid parking next to hydrants unless they're willing to risk getting a ticket.
Cost of a parking ticket in Canada
Several variables influence the overall price of your parking ticket. Some of these factors include the province that you live in and the severity of the incident.
However, we can say that Canadians can expect to pay anywhere from $40 to $450 for a parking ticket.
When do you have to pay for your parking ticket?
The Canadian government requires drivers to pay for their parking tickets in full within 15 days of the incident.
You're likely asking yourself, "what happens if you don't pay a parking ticket on time?", and we don't think you'll like our answer. You will not be able to renew your license or registration until you've paid for your parking ticket in full.
This means that if you have multiple unpaid tickets, you can expect to hand over a pretty penny before you can renew your license or registration.
Do parking tickets affect insurance Canada?
Finally, the answer to the question many Canadians have been waiting for — so, do parking tickets affect insurance Ontario?
Simply put, no, they do not. The primary reason why parking tickets don't influence your insurance rates is that they aren't technically classified as moving violations (similar to red light camera tickets in Ontario).
Some common examples of moving violations that can raise insurance rates are speeding, failing to signal and failing to stop at a red light or stop sign. Receiving multiple moving violations can have a severe impact on your driving record.
Because parking tickets aren't seen as moving violations, drivers won't see an increase in their rates or have to switch to high-risk car insurance.
To learn more about incidents that can potentially increase your auto insurance rates, be sure to reach out to your insurance provider. Your provider can give you specific details regarding your policy and answer any questions that you have.
Parking ticket demerit points
No, this is just a rumour amongst Canadian drivers — receiving a parking ticket doesn't affect your demerit points.
Generally, drivers are only at risk of losing points if they receive a moving violation (examples listed above). As mentioned earlier, parking tickets aren't classified as moving violations; thus, you won't lose points if you receive one.
How to avoid getting a parking ticket in Canada
Although they may not affect your insurance rates or demerit points, we highly suggest that you try to avoid getting parking tickets. Not only are parking tickets expensive, but they can also be a hassle to deal with.
Feel free to use the following tips next time you're looking for the perfect parking spot:
- Keep an eye out for fire hydrants
- Avoid parking near busy street corners
- Always read the fine print on nearby road signs
- Take note of when you put money into the parking meter
- Consider taking public transit if you know there are limited parking spaces
Using these tips will drastically decrease the chances of getting a parking ticket during your next shopping spree or family outing.
Are you tired of getting parking tickets? Make them a thing of the past
Whether you've recently received your first or fifteenth parking ticket, you likely don't want to be given more in the future. Thankfully, after taking the time to read our list of tips and tricks, you can find the perfect parking space without having to worry about getting a ticket.